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Ruhm & Ehre


Annual Multimedia Award (Gold)

A’ Design Award

Advertising Award, Air Transport World

Art Directors Club von Deutschland (Nachwuchs des Jahres)

Berliner Type

Best of B2B (Sonderpreis)

Best of Corporate Publishing (Nominee)

Best of Corporate Publishing (Silber)

Big Award (2 x Nominee)

Champions Paper Award (Certificate of Distincton)

Corporate Design Preis (Hauptpreis)

Creativity 34–37 (5 x Gold Award)

Creativity 36–38 (6 x Silver Award), 

Creativity 29–37 (25 x Award of Distinction)

Creativity 36 (Platinum Award)

Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Nominee)

Deutscher Bürgerpreis

Deutscher Fotobuchpreis (Siegertitel – Silber)

DDC, Jahreswettbewerb Gute Gestaltung

European Design Award (Silber, Bronze)

German Design Award (Winner, Special Mention, Nominee)

German Brand Award (Nominee)

gregor award (Gold, Award of Excellence, 3 x Nominee)

Großer Preis des Mittelstandes (Nominee)

HOW Interactive Design Competition (Merit)

HOW International Awards (Winner)

HOW International Logo Design Award (Winner)

HOW Self Promotion Competition (Merit)

HOW Design Competition (3 x Merit)

iF Communication Design, International Forum Design (2 x Award)

Innovationspreis-IT (3 x Best of)

Marketing & Communications Achievement Award

MKN-Award (1. Platz Print)

MKN-Award (1. Platz Integrierte Kampagne)

PR Report Awards (Finalist)

red dot award (3 x), Designzentrum NRW

Type Directors Club of New York (Certificate of Typographic Excellence)

Unternehmen des Monats, Landesregierung Hessen


1.000 Restaurant Bar & Cafe Graphics

1.000 Type Treatments

1.000 Graphic Elements

Annual Multimedia 2008

Annual Multimedia 2015

A Tribute to Celebrities

Best of business-to-business

Creativity 29, HarperCollins

Creativity 31, HarperCollins

Creativity 32, HarperCollins

Creativity 33, HarperCollins

Creativity 34, HarperCollins 

Creativity 35, HarperCollins

Creativity 36, HarperCollins

Creativity 37, HarperCollins

Direct Mail on Target, PIE Books

For A Good Cause: Solidarity Design, Index Book

Freistil 1

Freistil 2

Fresh Ideas in Limited Budget Design, North Light Books

Graphic Design Inspirations


Letterhead & Logo Design 9

Logo Design Trends 2008

LogoLounge 2

LogoLounge 3

Logos 2, BrightBooks

Logo 2.0: Re-Designs, BrightBooks

Master Library Vol. 1, Initials & Crests

Master Library Vol. 2, Animal & Mythology

Neugierig 1, Verlag Hermann Schmidt

Neugierig 2, Verlag Hermann Schmidt

Neugierig 3, Verlag Hermann Schmidt

Neugierig 4, Verlag Hermann Schmidt

New Logo World, PIE Books




Selected Europe – Visual Inspiration from Bilbao

The A-Z Guide to Visual Lingo, F&W Publications

The Best of Business Card Design 7

The Best of Brochure Design 5, Rockport

The Best of Brochure Design 7

Graphically Speaking, F&W Publications

The Best of the Best of Brochure Design, Rockport

The Big Book of Logos 5, Harper Collins

The Big Book of Letterheads, Harper Collins

TypeStyleFinder, Rockport

Typo Shirt One, Index Book

Verkehrte Welt, Hatje Cantz

Was kostet Design?, Verlag form

Wunderland, Hatje Cantz